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Bamidele Olajide


Elections and its dynamics are critical to the institutionalization of the democratic process. This is more for the African continent given the chequered political history. Since the end of the Cold War that saw the appreciation of democracy as the most popular system of rule and one which African countries bought into following decades of varying forms of illiberal rule, elections on the continent have been a collector’s item for research and policy governance. In the year 2019, various types of elections held across the continent. The common thread in most these elections was violence and other malaises that brought to the fore the need to re-examine elections and its dynamics on the continent

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How to Cite
EDITORIAL NOTE. (2024). Ayika – Journal of Environment and Politics in Africa, 2(1), X- XI. https://journals.glotanjournals.com/index.php/ajepa/article/view/92

How to Cite

EDITORIAL NOTE. (2024). Ayika – Journal of Environment and Politics in Africa, 2(1), X- XI. https://journals.glotanjournals.com/index.php/ajepa/article/view/92