Vision/Mission Statement

The vision and mission statements of AYIKA: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLITICS IN AFRICA revolves around ‘‘Ayika’’- a Yoruba word that refers to the environment. The linkage that the environment has to Africa’s socio-political development is no more under contestation. In fact, such a linkage is now established such that every discourse – be it an academic discussion and every other form of dialogue – notes the relationship between the environment and development in general. Thus, existing and emerging environmental problems are ever more political and now require political solutions more than ever. Whereas, the nature of the African continent is such that environmental problems are increasing and rising steadily and by the day, and in many cases, the negations are as a result of existing poor public infrastructure, disjointed socio-structural arrangements, lack of good policies and abysmal governmental investments in the continent’s environment sector. Therefore, AYIKA: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLITICS IN AFRICA sets ultimately as its vision/mission statement the pursuit to bridge the gap of Africa’s underdevelopment emanating from her ‘‘Ayika’’. This is given that new environmental problems such as climate change continues to impact on the daily lives of the African man and woman, yet mitigation and adaptation policies and strategies are chiefly
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nascent, ineffectual and in most cases poor. This journal, therefore, will aid to illuminate the views of scholars that argue that new environmental realities deemed developmental problems - as is the actual case in Africa- flow from political culture and politics that places very Ayika: Journal of Environment and Politics in Africa Vol. 1, No 1, 2019 vii weak emphasis on thorough and concrete conceptualisation of the environment-politics nexus for the continent’s development.