This publication offers a variety of perspectives on digitization, politics and governance in Africa, making it a great resource for readers. In order to comprehend the intricate tapestry of digitalization in the modern world, readers will have the chance to peruse scientific arrays of the viewpoints of several contributors.
We would especially want to express our sincere gratitude to the editorial staff, reviewers, and contributors whose hard work and commitment to scholarship made this extensive compilation possible. We sincerely hope that this issue will serve as a catalyst for thought- provoking discussion, encouraging critical thinking, and directing academic endeavors towards a more comprehensive comprehension of the mutually beneficial link between digitization, governance, and politics.
As editors, we extend an invitation to readers to interact with these papers, consider their implications, and participate in the ongoing conversation about this interaction between digitalization and political where the digital sphere is inextricably linked to everyday living and governance.

Published: 2024-08-04