Review Policy
Our Review Process – Summary of How It Works
The African and Global Issues journal articles are rigorously peer-reviewed to ensure quality, validity, and authenticity. The process involves:
- Initial screening: The editorial team checks the manuscript’s adherence to guidelines and scope.
- Peer review: At least two independent reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on predetermined criteria.
- Decision: The editing team reaches a conclusion by considering the recommendations provided by the reviewers.
- Revision: Authors may be requested to make revisions and submit the work again, specifically addressing the suggestions provided by the reviewers.
- Acceptance: Once revisions are satisfactory, the manuscript undergoes final editing and proofreading before publication.
Components of the Review Process
The peer-review approach African and Global Issues Journal employs comprises multiple components:
- Quality assessment: Reviewers assess the manuscript’s quality, significance, and scientific merit.
- Confidentiality: Reviewers maintain the confidentiality of the review process.
- Feedback: Reviewers provide constructive feedback to authors to improve the manuscript.
- Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews within the designated timeframe.
Time Frame for Completing the Review of Articles
The “African and Global Issues” journal aims to complete the review process within four weeks from the initial submission. However, the actual time frame may vary depending on factors such as the reviewers’ availability and the extent of revisions required.
Guest Editorship
“African and Global Issues” encourages guest editors to propose and manage special issues on topics related to the journal’s scope. Guest editors collaborate with the editorial team to define the issue’s theme, manage the peer-review process, and ensure the timely publication of articles.
If you are interested in proposing a special issue or becoming a guest editor, please contact the editorial team at with your proposal, including the theme, rationale, and a tentative list of potential contributors.