Editorial Note

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Bamidele Olajide


Ayika: Journal of Environment and Politics in Africa continues to prove to be Africa’s leading platform for the discourse of environmental and political dynamics in the continent. This is attested to by the highquality articles published in successive issues of the journal since its 
inception. As a journal, it also continues to demonstrate the extricate linkage between the dynamics of the environment and politics. This is to the extent, that issues and challenges in one area affect the other. For example, environmental problems such as drought, water scarcity, and 
even climate change, among others continue to exert pressure on political systems across the continent. Hence, in a nuanced manner, environmental dynamics continue to be one of the leading drivers of political crisis in Africa

Article Details

How to Cite
Editorial Note. (2023). Ayika – Journal of Environment and Politics in Africa, 5(1), ix-x. https://journals.glotanjournals.com/index.php/ajepa/article/view/140

How to Cite

Editorial Note. (2023). Ayika – Journal of Environment and Politics in Africa, 5(1), ix-x. https://journals.glotanjournals.com/index.php/ajepa/article/view/140