Xenophobia Violence and the Need to Address Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: An Assessment

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Oyetunmbi Ayotunde Michael


The repeat of xenophobic brutality in South Africa has been credited to the multiplication of anti-migrant slants
that originates from social, political, financial and social misguided judgments and cleavages. The issue of
xenophobia is not solely a South African problem. Traces of these attacks have long existed since the 1960s
with countries such as Ghana and Nigeria raising agitations against each other and occasioning displacements of millions of people. Like the South African account, the agitation was a result of a need to make a financial safe house, the acknowledgment of which was obstructed by the influx of foreign populations. The rush of xenophobic savagery that broke out in parts of South Africa in 2008 and 2015 has brought into sharp help the overwhelming truth of xenophobia and its waiting inclinations in the South African culture. Because of the expansion in movement, this contention is surely not brief in nature. Xenophobia shows in various districts and networks, with obliterating consequences for the influenced nationals. Nigerians living in South Africa have been objects of serious assaults and attack because of this xenophobic disposition. It is against this background that this study seeks to investigate the relevant needs to address xenophobic attacks in South Africa. The methodology adopted by the paper is basically qualitative interview which is an in-depth method of collecting data that gives possible explanations and deep knowledge gathering leading to greater understanding of the subject`s worldviews with the use of secondary sources such as Books, Journals, Newspapers and internet sources Anti-migrants, Needs, Attacks.


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How to Cite
Xenophobia Violence and the Need to Address Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: An Assessment. (2024). African and Global Issues Quarterly, 2(2), 1-29. https://journals.glotanjournals.com/index.php/AGIQ/article/view/62

How to Cite

Xenophobia Violence and the Need to Address Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: An Assessment. (2024). African and Global Issues Quarterly, 2(2), 1-29. https://journals.glotanjournals.com/index.php/AGIQ/article/view/62