• Author Registration

 The author registers with the journal.

  • Manuscript Submission

The author submits a manuscript through the journal's submission system.

  • Initial Quality Check

The editorial assistant conducts an initial quality check to ensure the manuscript is correctly formatted.

  • Assignment to Editor in Chief

The Editor in Chief is assigned to the manuscript to determine if it is within the journal's scope and potentially suitable for review.

  • Evaluation by Editor in Chief

The Editor in Chief evaluates the manuscript for quality and significance. They either recommend rejection or assign the manuscript to two independent peer reviewers. The journal uses a double-blind review process, meaning the identities of authors and reviewers are not disclosed to each other.

  • Peer Review

Reviewers have four weeks from acceptance to submit their reports.

  • Recommendation Based on Reviews

After receiving the reviewers' reports, the Editor makes a recommendation based on the feedback.

  • Revisions (if needed)

If revisions are requested, the authors must address these before proceeding to the next stage.

  • Post-Revision Evaluation

Once the revisions are deemed satisfactory by the editor, the manuscript is accepted and moves to the copy-editing stage for further refinement.

  • Proofreading and Layout Editing

The manuscript undergoes proofreading and layout editing.

  • Final Approval

The final version of the article is sent to the authors and the Editor for final approval.

  • Production and Publication

Upon receiving approval from both the authors and the Editor, the article proceeds to production and is published in an issue. 

Authors are able to monitor the status of their paper at each stage of the editorial process.