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The Journal of African Philosophy and Indigenous Knowledge (JAPIK) is a quarterly collection of well-researched articles that seek to present the philosophical and indigenous dynamics of Africa to the world. Africa as the cradle of humanity lives in a contradictory world where little is known about its glorious past and the riches of its indigenous reality in the present. To this extent, there are fears that if nothing is done to introduce Africa to the modern world for what it possesses and can offer, it would be difficult to compete with other regions as the world is gravitating towards unprecedented levels of development. The foregoing informs the establishment of the journal as an intellectual platform for discussing African philosophy and indigenous knowledge in a most needed nuanced manner. Given that African philosophers, thinkers and Indigenous knowledge custodians occupy the lower rungs of mainstream academic platforms, the journal intends to address this challenge through the publication of well-researched articles that bring African ontologies, epistemologies and methodologies to the fore. This helps in getting the needed recognition for African knowledge production in the world as the journal is committed to rigorous, multidisciplinary and inclusive discourse of issues on Africa and the African diaspora.
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