The Journal of African Philosophy and Indigenous Knowledge provides an avenue to scholars, researchers, policy analysts, think tank groups, as well as the civil society community to ventilate the various ramifications of the relations between environment and politics and development in Africa. The causal relationship between the environment and politics and vice versa has grown such that the scientific and political communities have fundamentally and unprecedentedly come to agreement as to the cause(s) of environmental problems. Hence, there is a growing recognition of government as the consumer of scientific findings on the environment such as that this journal portends. This point, in many respect, led to the inauguration of this journal. It is as a consequence of addressing environmental governance issues from the global level right to the local and municipal levels across the world and with special interest on Africa’s landscape that Journal of African Philosophy and Indigenous Knowledge was established. Authors are expected to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting their manuscripts:

Preparing Your Manuscript

Title and Subtitle

Ensure the title is clear, descriptive, and incorporates key terms that accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.

Authors and Their Affiliations

List all authors' full names and affiliations directly below the title. Authors are strongly encouraged to add their ORCID ID account to easily identify authors’ previous works. Authors should indicate a Corresponding Author to whom correspondence will be sent if the manuscript is accepted for publication.


The Abstract provide a concise summary that clearly outlines the main objectives, findings, and conclusions of the study. The abstract should be between 150 to 200 words and formatted with 1.5 spacing.


Include 4 to 6 keywords that succinctly capture the essence of the manuscript's subject matter. These keywords are essential for indexing purposes, so we recommend that they are specific to the article.



Main Text

Manuscripts should range between 6000 to 8000 words in length, inclusive of references, tables, and figures. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing throughout. Ensure all pages are numbered consecutively. Our journal upholds strict standards against copyright infringement, plagiarism, and any other violations of ethical publication practices. Each submitted article undergoes thorough screening using plagiarism detection software, such as Turnitin, to ensure originality and adherence to ethical writing practices. Hence all authors are advised to ensure that they have adhered to our plagiarism policy before submission.

Headings and Subheadings

Headings are used to organise content and indicate the hierarchy of sections. Organise the manuscript to enhance readability and logical flow.

  • Level 1 Headings: Justified, bold, 14 pt. font size.
  • Level 2 Headings: Justified, bold, 12 pt. font size.
  • Level 3 Headings: Italicised, 12 pt. font size, left-aligned.

All headings should use title case (capitalise the first letter of each major word).

Prior publication in other journals

This journal will not publish any article which has been previously published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.


If the research received funding support, detail the funding sources in a dedicated section titled "Funding" placed before the acknowledgments. Follow the prescribed format to ensure compliance with funding agency requirements.

Artwork Guidelines

All images, graphs, or illustrations should be of high quality and directly relevant to the content. Ensure figures are embedded within the manuscript with clear, separate captions.


Present tables in text format rather than as images, ensuring they are numbered sequentially and accompanied by clear explanations within the manuscript.

  • Table Format: Tables should be placed within the manuscript where they are first referenced. Each table should have a clear and concise title that describes the contents of the table. The table itself should be formatted with rows and columns, and it should present data in a clear and organised manner.
  • Table Numbering: Tables should be numbered sequentially in the order that they appear in the text (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
  • Table Title: The title of the table should be placed above the table itself, flush left. The title should be brief yet descriptive of the contents of the table.
  • Table Layout: Tables should be created using a word processor's table function, not as images or screenshots. This ensures that the text within the table remains accessible for editing and formatting.
  • Table Caption: A descriptive caption should be placed below the table itself. The caption should explain any abbreviations used in the table and provide additional context or explanation if necessary.
  • In-Text Citation: When referring to a table in the text, use the word "Table" followed by the table number. For example, "Table 1 presents a summary of survey responses."
  • Consistency: Maintain consistency in numbering and formatting across all tables in the manuscript.
  • Quality: Ensure that tables are clear, legible, and appropriately sized to fit within the manuscript's margins.


Figures should be embedded within the manuscript where they are first discussed, typically following the paragraph in which they are referenced.

  • Figure Caption: Each figure should have a brief descriptive caption placed directly below the figure. The caption should include a brief title that describes the content of the figure and any necessary explanation or context.
  • In-Text Citation: When referring to a figure in the text, use the word "Figure" followed by the figure number. For example, "Figure 1 shows the distribution of survey responses."
  • Placement: Ensure that figures are positioned appropriately within the manuscript to maintain readability and clarity.
  • Consistency: Follow the same numbering sequence for figures as they appear in the text. If there are multiple figures, they should be numbered consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).
  • Quality: Figures should be of high quality to ensure readability, especially if they include detailed graphs, charts, or images.


Acknowledge individuals or organisations who contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship.


Format references in APA style7, listed alphabetically, with double spacing between entries. Ensure all in-text citations adhere to the same APA formatting style.


Author Submission Checklist

Before submitting your manuscript, ensure the following checklist items have been addressed:

  • Authors' names, affiliations, and contact details are clearly provided.
  • Keywords accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.
  • All figures and tables referenced in the text are included and properly formatted.
  • Spelling and grammar have been thoroughly checked and meet publication standards.
  • Ensure that all figure and table citations in the text correspond correctly with the files provided.
  • Cross-check that all references cited in the text are listed in the reference list, and vice versa.
  • Obtain necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material, including material sourced from the internet.
  • Familiarise yourself with and adhere to all journal policies outlined in this submission guide.
  • Upload all necessary supplementary files as required by the submission system.

Submitting Your Manuscript

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in Word format through our online submission system at

If you do not have an existing author account, register and complete your profile to initiate the submission process. Upon successful submission, you will receive an email confirmation, and you can monitor the progress of your manuscript through your account.

Submission of Manuscript

Authors should read the “Author submission guidelines” on the journal’s page before making a submission. All authors should approve the final version of the manuscript prior to submission. Once a manuscript is submitted, it is therefore assumed that all authors have read and given their approval for the submission of the manuscript and that they meet all requirements.

Submission should be made online


Time frames

  • Time frames
    • Time for first decision (2 weeks)
    • Review completion- (4 weeks)
    • Average number of weeks between article submission and publication is 12 weeks

For further assistance or inquiries, please contact our editorial team through the submission system or via email. We eagerly anticipate receiving your contributions to The Journal of African Philosophy and Indigenous Knowledge.